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Insert a sheet before a sheet with AutoFilte

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:39 pm
by DrTob

I have a new TXLSReadWriteII4 Object, if I Insert A sheet in front of others, all Autofilters in following sheets does not work anymore. If you open the created file in Excel (2010) and try to Sort a column, excel crashes.

xls := TXLSReadWriteII4.create;
sheet := xls.sheet[0];
sheet.Asstring.... [Insert some content]
sheet.Autofilters.Add(0,3,2,3); ///Sheet has data in three columns, row four are the title

sheet := xls.sheets.insert(0);

XLS.Filename := fileName;

---> Autofilter on sheet 1 (the second) does not work...

Is there A bug, or did I something wrong?