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How do a gradient fill for the whole diagram area?

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 3:14 pm
by Oljo

In Excel i can create a chart and set the coloring of the plot area to "None"
This will give the effect that the plotarea gets transparent and the color for the whole diagram is used for the whole diagram area.

How do I do this with XLSReadWriteII 3.0?

I can set the color of the plotarea with the following line:

PlotArea.Frame.LineFormat.LineStyle := clsNone; // To get rid of the frame line.
PlotArea.Frame.AreaFormat.ForeGround := xcWhite; // Gets the same color as the diagram area, but needs to be set to "None"

This will give a white diagram area, but then I get stuck.

I can't find out how to set the coloring of the plotarea to "None" so it will get transparent to the diagram color and I can't fint the command to set the diagram area to FillGradient. This can be done inside Excel, so I suppose it can be done from XLSReadWriteII, but how?

A solution to this will be appriciated.
