XLSReadWriteII 5.10.00

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XLSReadWriteII 5.10.00

Post by larsa »

XLSReadWriteII 5.0

+ Improved HTML export with much better rendering.
- Uses CSS instead of inline html tags. This gives smaller files.
- Support for all cell formatting that is possible in html.
- Support for images.
- Support for Comments.
- New sample.
- More options.
+ DirectWrite for writing files directly to disk without storing any cells in memory.
+ XLSDbRead has new event, OnDbRecord. Use this event to filter out unwanted records.
+ DeleteCells now have options on what cell content to delete, for example just the cell
value can be deleted and the formatting remains.
+ Worksheets can be password protected. Sheet.SheetProtection property is replaced with
Sheet.Protection (TXLSSheetProtection) object where you set protection properties.
+ New Sort method for sorting columns. Can sort on multiple columns.
+ New method for adding formatted strings, AsSimpleTags. Let you create formatted
text cells with html-like tags. Can be used with cells and comments.

! Column.CharWitdth gave wrong value.
! Some numbers in Excel 97 filese where not stored correct.
! Error names (#REF!) in Excel 97 files caused an exception when calculated.
! Delete and Insert Sheet where not implemented.
! x64: pointers where cast to Integer instead of NativeInt.
! SheetByName method was missing.
! Sheets property was missing.
! Adding hyperlinks to disk files could result in (excel) file error.
! Name definition could not be changed.
! ClearWorksheet caused an exception.
! Formulas where last argument - "Sum(10,20,,)" - is missing caused an exeption.
! Exception "Unknown attribute "xmlns:space"" in some files.
! Exception "Unknown attribute "mc:AlternateContent" in some files.
! Sometimes when row height was set the rows got unwanted collapsed outline.

! Othet fixes...

! Author file property was not empty.
! {$I ..\AxCompiler.inc} id now {$I AxCompilers.inc}

! Cell values missing whe reading files exported from Access.
! Formulas was not created.
Lars Arvidsson, Axolot Data
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