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Cannot Compile (Delphi XE)

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:46 pm
by Vinski

I just upgraded to Version 2 of DOCXReadWrite, but now the program won't compile.
I get an Error in the following line, which is part of the unit "AXWSynCrypto"

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{$ifdef USEAESNI} (cfAESNI in CpuFeatures) or {$endif}
Delphi says "Undeclared identifier cfAESNI"
and "Undeclared identifier CpuFeatures"

Did I mess up Installation?
If yes, how do I install correctly?
If no, what can I do to solve this problem?

Re: Cannot Compile (Delphi XE)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 5:24 pm
by larsa

I don't recognize that code line. Can you please show some more lines.

Re: Cannot Compile (Delphi XE)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:27 am
by Vinski

Code: Select all

unit AXWSynCrypto;

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{ we use direct Windows threads, since we don't need any exception handling
  nor memory usage inside the Thread handler
   -> avoid classes.TThread and system.BeginThread() use
   -> application is still "officialy" mono-threaded (i.e. IsMultiThread=false),
     for faster System.pas and FastMM4 (no locking)
   -> code is even shorter then original one using TThread }
function ThreadWrapper(var P: TThreadParams): Integer; stdcall;
  SetCurrentThreadName('AES #%',[P.BlockIndex]);
  with P do
  result := 0; // make the compiler happy, but won't never be called

procedure TAES.DoBlocksThread(var bIn, bOut: PAESBlock; Count: integer; doEncrypt: boolean);
var Thread: array[0..3] of TThreadParams; // faster than dynamic array
    Handle: array[0..3] of THandle; // high(Thread) is not compiled by XE2
    nThread, i, nOne: integer;
    pIn, pOut: PAESBlock;
  if Count=0 then exit;
  if {$ifdef USEPADLOCK} padlock_available or {$endif}
     {$ifdef USEAESNI} (cfAESNI in CpuFeatures) or {$endif}
    (SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors<=1) or // (DebugHook<>0) or
    (Count<((512*1024) div AESBlockSize)) then begin // not needed below 512 KB
  nThread := SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
  if nThread>length(Thread) then // a quad-core is enough ;)
    nThread := length(Thread);
  nOne := Count div nThread;
  pIn := bIn;
  pOut := bOut;
  for i := 0 to nThread-1 do
  with Thread[i] do begin // create threads parameters
    bIn := pIn;
    bOut := pOut;
    BlockCount := nOne;
    BlockIndex := i+1;
    Encrypt := doEncrypt;
    AES := self; // local copy of the AES context for every thread
    Handle[i] := CreateThread(nil,0,@ThreadWrapper,@Thread[i],0,ID);

Re: Cannot Compile (Delphi XE)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 4:07 pm
by larsa

I have posted a new update now. Please download it.

Re: Cannot Compile (Delphi XE)

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 9:07 am
by Vinski

I installed the update, but it seems, that the Unit

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unit AXWSynCrypto;
has not been changed.
Hence the Problem persists and
"cfAESNI" as well as "CpuFeatures"
remain undefined.

I use Delphi XE.