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Warnings and hints on compiling to 64 bit

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:52 pm
by JensFudge
I am currently helping a customer build a 64 bit version of their software. The software use XLSReadWriteII 6, but I get Warnings on the following:

In file: XLSSynCommons.pas

[dcc64 Warning] XLSSynCommons.pas(16157): W1073 Combining signed type and unsigned 64-bit type - treated as an unsigned type
if (len<lenSub+Offset) or (lenSub<0) then begin

[dcc64 Warning] XLSSynCommons.pas(45565): W1073 Combining signed type and unsigned 64-bit type - treated as an unsigned type
fTokenSeed := GetTickCount64*PtrUInt(self)*Random(maxInt);

[dcc64 Warning] XLSSynCommons.pas(45566): W1073 Combining signed type and unsigned 64-bit type - treated as an unsigned type
fSessionGenerator := abs(fTokenSeed*PtrUInt(ClassType));

and hint on XLSMath5.pas
[dcc64 Hint] XLSMath5.pas(4199): H2164 Variable 'zb' is declared but never used in 'FindInverseGamma'
lg,lb,zb: double;

My Customers CI system is set up to reject anything with hints and warnings.
It would be really cool with a fix Lars :-)

Thanks in advance

Re: Warnings and hints on compiling to 64 bit

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:02 am
by larsa

This can probably improve somewhat but our man build is win32 so this is the only we check. Warnings may be different in win64.

Re: Warnings and hints on compiling to 64 bit

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:08 am
by JensFudge
Yes, they are different. Am I to understand this will not be fixed some time soon in the official version? (Please do not read any complaints into my question, I am merely asking to know if I need to fix this myself)

Re: Warnings and hints on compiling to 64 bit

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:45 am
by gmn77
Hi Lars,
I would also like to add my vote to have you fix the Windows 64-bit Warning (and Hint) issues in XLSReadWriteII.
To this point I've only been releasing a 32 bit application using your product because the Excel file generated
is then sent using Outlook and it is Office 2016 32-bit that is currently installed on all systems. But that is
about to change and Office 2019 (or 365) 64 bit will be deployed shortly so I'll need to have available a 64 bit
version of my application.

As Jens indicates, these Warnings can be fixed on our end - in fact, I has a look at this today
and it seems the appropriate cast solves most all of these warning issues. But I'm not totally
sure I'm casting to correct type, although it solves the compiler warning issue and my Excel file
may work - until it doesn't and I've got a big mess finding that bug. But perhaps more importantly,
I would really prefer not to have to do this patching for each and every version of your future

So, really hoping you can fix this issue on your end Lars.
Thank you,

Re: Warnings and hints on compiling to 64 bit

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:46 am
by JensFudge

Lars, I would really like to know if you are planning on fixing this or not. Currently I cannot release a 64 bit version of my program due to warnings that need to be fixed. The customer has a strict policy on zero hints and zero warnings.

Thanks in advance

Jens Fudge

Re: Warnings and hints on compiling to 64 bit

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:29 pm
by larsa
No, not all warnings/hints will not be fixed. I will not alter working code just to close harmless warnings. If you don't like them, use the compiled dcu:s. If you want more warnings/hints, compile the Delphi RTL. You will see plenty of them. My conclusion of that is that warnings and hints is something normal that you have to live with. The point is to undrestand if they mean something important or not.

Re: Warnings and hints on compiling to 64 bit

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 11:58 am
by JensFudge
Thank you very much for your reply Lars.
I understand you completely